Thursday, 28 January 2016

Avail Cost-Effective, Yet Exceptional Dental Implant Surgery in India

“How much do dental implant costs” is the most common phrase searched worldwide. At present, medical tourism is largely prevalent. At the same time, the dental tourism in India has been a wonderful experience countless international patients. One gets painless dental treatments with fantastic benefits.
Furthermore, the dental implant treatments in India has become quite popular amongst foreign patients. India offers highly competitive dental implant costs compared to those in many other countries participating in medical tourism. Dental tourism in India offers an amazing experience in terms of quality treatments and highly reduced prices.
Here is your one-stop solution to your specific dental treatment – Dr. Bhalla Dental Clinic in Ahmedabad, India. Dr. Rahul Mathur is one of the best dentists and has more than 10 years of experience serving the patients with simple-to-complex dental problems.
Get your Dental Package Today!
Other benefits covered in Dental Implant Prices in India
Herein, we can actually justify an importance of dental tourism in India. Dental tourism would rather mean a fantastic combination of the low cost dental treatments and an opportunity to visit the place you actually seek your treatment from.
You will get about 60 to 70% cost cutting in overall expenses for the treatment, much lesser than the costs of same treatment that you would seek in your native. In your overall treatment costs, you will also able to cover other expenses for accommodation, airfare, food, transportation and sightseeing. Allahabad is a mega city with tremendous lifestyle and facilities, comparatively less costlier than other metro cities in India.
Allahabad offers phenomenal places to visit. The city also offers the most convenient land and air connectivity to other Indian territories. Since you are being treated in Allahabad, you can easily manage your travel itinerary at your ease!
32 Pearls Dental Clinic – the great alternatives to other surgeries
The advantages of dental implant surgery against any other dental treatments are awesome. It’s a great alternative to dentures, crowns and dental bridges. The dental implants are long-lived and highly effective in appearance and functions. They act alike our original teeth.
One is more likely going to save additional costs that may be incurred through some repetitive dental procedures in the future. In that way, you save a lot of money and stay fit ever!

3 Ways Coffee Can Harm your Teeth

The coffee can cause several oral issues, and it’s more than just a teeth-strainer.

Let’s see how coffee affects our teeth and oral health,
Harming our teeth
Teeth stains are common that occur due to coffee. The teeth enamels that are the toughest substance in our body have some small holes and long narrow edges on them. More use of coffee can let the dark elements stick in them. If proper dental care is not maintained, it can worsen with permanent teeth damages.
Note: Appropriate oral hygiene is recommended. The teeth whitening treatment can even clean your stubborn teeth stains.
Peeling of teeth
The coffee also affects the hardest of our teeth covering. Its acidic nature forms the wear and tear of enamels. One can avoid it in many ways. You should keep rinsing or cleaning your teeth after each coffee use. It prevents the plaques to form on teeth. Avoid brushing your teeth immediately after drinking or eating, as it can damage the enamels. You can brush at least one hour later. One can also use a straw to drink such beverages to prevent their direct contact with teeth.
Bad breath
A substance called caffeine that is present in coffee may also dry out the saliva in our mouth. This situation can prompt a bacterial growth rapidly with bad breath.
Important to know,
The coffee has a positive impact too. Its levels of caffeine high in amounts can help us to fight against bacterial attacks. Unfortunately, it’s coffee mixed with sugar that damages our teeth. That’s why the black coffee is often a reason to drink over.
Any food or drink that is regulated in use is always right. One has no other option but to follow an excellent oral hygiene ever!
If you have any dental issue or relevant query, feel free to contact us for suitable dental treatment or advice. We will be happy to assist you.

Friday, 22 January 2016

What is a dry socket and what should I know about it?

A dry socket, often referred to as “alveolar osteitis”, is an uncommon complication that occurs after a tooth extraction. It’s termed “dry socket” because the wound site appears bare or dry.
What are the symptoms?
Patients with this condition find that they have increasing, throbbing pain in the area three to five days after the removal of their tooth. This is normally the period of time during which discomfort starts to decrease.
What causes dry socket?
Contrary to popular belief, a dry socket is not an infection. Rather, it is a failure of the wound area to heal, allowing the underlying bone to become irritated. It is caused by dislodgement of the blood clot that forms initially over the wound, the purpose of this clot being to allow essential blood cells to access and heal the area.
How can I avoid it?
After any extraction, your dentist will usually advise you about measures you should take to reduce the chance of developing a dry socket. Key recommendations include avoiding smoking; drinking only through a straw; and spitting in the first 24 hours after having a tooth removed. This gives the area the best chance of healing.
Are there any long-term complications associated with a dry socket?
No. It is a treatable, short-term complication that does not have any long-term consequences.
“Help, I think I have a dry socket!”
If you develop pain three to five days after having a tooth extraction, make sure you avoid smoking. Then contact your treating dentist for an emergency appointment so that they can examine the area and put in place a medication to relieve your discomfort

Are sugar-free soft drinks better for my teeth than regular soft drinks?

We all know the effects of sugar on our waistlines, not to mention the adverse effects on our teeth, but if you believe switching from sugar-filled to sugar-free is the answer you would be wrong.
The Oral Health Cooperative Research Centre has recently revealed that sugar-free versions of soft drinks, sports drinks and confectionary products can wreak just as much havoc on your dental health as the sugar-laden varieties.
“Both sugar-containing and sugar-free soft drinks (including flavoured mineral waters) produced measurable loss of the tooth surface, with no significant difference between the two groups of drinks,” Dr. Rahul Mathur
Dr. Rahul Mathur tested 15 soft drinks (including three sugar-free brands) on extracted healthy human molars that were free of cavities.
They found that despite claims to the contrary, sugar-free products are still potentially harmful to teeth due to high levels of acids that strip away the surface layers of tooth enamel; in advanced stages exposing the softer dentin or pulp of the tooth.
This can lead to chalkiness of the tooth’s surface, pitting, opacity, tooth sensitivity and other issues.
Parents of young children will understandably be concerned about these findings given many believe they are sparing their children’s dental health with sugar-free substitutes.
“We’ve seen bad erosion in the teeth of children aged two to three-years-old, and signs of erosion in permanent teeth of older children,” says Dr. Rahul Mathur.
“Banning sugar-containing beverages from schools may have positive health effects for reducing obesity, diabetes and dental caries but it may not reduce the risk of dental erosion.”
What should I be drinking instead of sugar-free soft drinks?
32 pearls dental clinic researchers recommend fluoridated tap water as the best option for teeth, as well as milk, which is not erosive on teeth
If you must drink or eat an acidic product, rinse your mouth out with water afterwards and wait an hour before brushing your teeth, as doing so can remove the softened layer of tooth.


You go to your doctor for routine check-ups with your body, but what your OB-GYN doesn’t check is your oral health. Maintaining good oral health while pregnant is totally safe and something that is often overlooked during the duration of pregnancy. As your hormones change, your risk of developing gum disease increases.
Keeping your oral health in good standing all year long will help in case you can’t get a routine check-up in before you get pregnant. With increased risk for periodontal disease, dental appointments are more necessary than ever. Once you reach your second trimester, your dentist will work with you to keep dental exams safe and healthy for both you and your baby, putting off any elective dental procedures until after the baby is born.
Dental procedures such as root canals, x-rays, or other procedures that require anesthesia can be postponed until after the baby is born. Even in the event of an emergency, advanced dental technology has made x-rays much safer, and our dental staff will use cautionary measures to keep mom and baby safe.
During pregnancy, pay attention to symptoms such as tenderness in the gums, bleeding gums, swelling, or other unusual pains. If you notice any of these, contact your Raleigh dentist immediately. These could be signs of periodontal disease and should be treated right away.
If you have questions about the safety of dentistry while pregnant, call our friendly staff at Better Dentistry.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Some common dental problems related to poor oral hygiene

Tooth decay (caries)
When holes form in parts of the enamel of a tooth, it is know as caries. A main cause of caries is due to a build-up of plaque. The germs (bacteria) in the plaque react with sugars and starches in food to form acids. The acids are kept next to the teeth by the sticky plaque and dissolve the tooth enamel. If you have tooth decay you may need fillings, crowns or inlays.
Gum disease (periodontal disease)

Gum disease means infection or inflammation of the tissues that surround the teeth. Most cases of gum disease are plaque-related. Plaque contains many different types of bacteria and a build-up of some types of bacteria is associated with developing gum disease.
Depending on the severity, gum disease is generally divided into two types - gingivitis and periodontitis:
  • Gingivitis means inflammation of the gums. There are various types. However, most cases of gingivitis are caused by plaque.
  • Periodontitis occurs if gingivitis becomes worse and progresses to involve the tissue that joins the teeth to the gums (the periodontal membrane).
Gum disease is the most common cause of tooth loss in adults. It is also a main cause of bad breath (halitosis). However, gum disease is often treatable. (See separate leaflet called Dental Plaque and Gum Disease for details.)
Tooth (dental) erosion
Tooth erosion is a common problem. It is the gradual erosion of tooth enamel by the action of acid on the teeth. This is different to damage caused by bacteria resulting in tooth decay and caries. Tooth erosion affects the entire surface of the tooth. In time, tooth erosion can cause thinned enamel, and eventually can expose the softer dentine underneath the enamel. Dentine is sensitive so erosion can lead to your teeth being more sensitive to hot, cold or sweet foods and drinks.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

When Was Your Last Dental Checkup?

If you can’t remember the last time that you went to the dentist, that is likely a good indication that you need to now. You keep up with the gardening and make sure that your car gets regular tune-ups. You should also make sure that you are doing the same for your teeth. If you are wondering why dental checkups are so important here are a few reasons.

You Are At High Risk for Oral Diseases:

If you are at high risk of developing oral diseases due to other health problems or because you have had an oral disease in the past, it is extremely important that you get dental checkups. Even if you have great oral hygiene, bacteria can still get into your mouth and cause a problem, especially if your immune system is depressed. Going to a dentist for a checkup could help to detect a problem before it turns into a full blown infection.

More Thorough Cleaning:

Reaching certain parts of your mouth can be difficult to do with a traditional toothbrush and floss. The dentist can clean your teeth with professional grade products giving your teeth a more thorough clean than what you might get at home. In addition, dentists often finish a cleaning with a polishing or sealant that will protect your teeth against stains and cavities. The extra protection that you get from visiting a dental office for a cleaning could save your teeth in the long run.

Get a Checkup At Least Every Six Month:

Getting a dental checkup at least every six months is recommended if you want to keep your oral health in good shape. A dentist will examine the inside of your mouth, teeth gums, cheeks and tongue to see if there are any potential problems. Going for a checkup will also give you the opportunity to discuss any oral health issues with your dentist. This way you can also become a more active partner in maintaining your oral health.

Save You Money:

Getting a checkup at the dentist can also save you money in the long run. Going for a checkup means that potential problems can be detected earlier. This means that you won’t have to have such extensive work done as might be required if the problem were to be detected later on. Getting a dental checkup may even mean the difference between keeping your teeth and losing them if you have suffered tooth decay.
For people that get regular dental checkups, the dentist can also monitor your oral health more closely in order to determine if your current oral care methods are really helping to improve your mouth.

If you have not seen a dentist lately, now is a good time to make an appointment. Click here to request an appointment with 32 Pearls Dental Care today!

Have you ever wondered how much sugar is in the foods and drinks we consume?

Not many of us will take too much notice about the amount of sugars in our favorite snacks and teatime treats but maybe we should.

The effects which added sugars are having on both our general and dental health can be highly damaging, especially when consumed frequently.

When sugar reacts with the bacteria in plaque, the acids which are formed attack the teeth and destroy the enamel. If this occurs often, the tooth enamel may break down, forming a hole or 'cavity' and causing tooth decay. This almost always leads to fillings and could even result in teeth having to be extracted.

To uncover some of the sugary secrets in our top snacks and drinks, we at Dental Helpline have to put together a few short tables revealing exactly how much sugar you will find in them.

Amount per 100g
Sugar Content in Teaspoons
Chocolate Digestive 
1.2 tsp (5.1g per biscuit) 
Chocolate Wafer-Fully coated
2.62 tsp (10.49g per biscuit) 
Custard Cread Biscuits
0.87 tsp (3.5g per biscuit) 
Digestive Biscuits
0.63 tsp (2.5g per biscuit)
Ginger nuts
0.77 tsp (3.1g per biscuit) 
Jaffa Cakes
3.25 tsp (13g per two biscuits)
Rich Tea Biscuits 
0.42 tsp (1.7g per biscuit) 
0.05 tsp (0.2g per biscuit) 
0.53 tsp (2.1g per biscuit)

Amount per 100g
Sugar Content in Teaspoons
Bounty 2 Bar Pack
8.23 tsp (32.9g) 
6.18 tsp (24.7g)
Kit Kat
0.75 tsp (3g per two finger) 
Liquorice Allsorts
0.93 tsp (3.7g per sweep) 
Mars Bar
10.7 tsp (42.6g per bar)
Milk Chocolate
2.2 tsp (8.8g per three squares) 
Milky Way 2 Bar Pack
7.93 tsp (31.7g)
Pepper Mints
1.2 tsp (4.8g per sweet) 
Plain Chocolate
1.95 tsp (7.8g per three squares) 
Snickers Bar
7.9 tsp (31.6g)
0.78 tsp (3.1g per sweet)
Twix 2 Bar Pack
9.5 tsp (38g)

Tinned Vegetables
Amount per 100g
Sugar Content in Teaspoons
Baked Beans
2.58 tsp (10.3g per half a tin) 
0.33 tsp (1.3g per 80g serving) 
0.63 tsp (2.5g 1/4 can) 

Soft Drinks
Amount per 100g
Sugar Content in Teaspoons
9.7g in concentrate
1.23 tsp (4.9g per 250ml serving) 
Cranberry Juice
7.25 tsp (29g per 250ml serving) 
Coca Cola
6.63 tsp (26.5g per 250ml serving) 
Ginger Ale 
5.63 tsp (22.5g pet 250ml serving) 
2.2 tsp (8.89g in 250ml serving)
Lucozade Sport
4.38 tsp (17.5g per 500ml bottle)
Milkshake Powder
6.95 tsp (27.8g 25g in 200ml S/S milk)
Orange Squash
13g in concentrate
1.63 tsp (6.5 in 250ml serving) 
Tonic Water
3.2 tsp (12.8g per 250 ml serving)

Amount per 100g
Sugar Content in Teaspoons
Tin Tomato Soup
2.45 tsp (9.8g in half a tin) 
Packet Minestrone
1.25 tsp (5g as prepared) 
Amount per 100g
Sugar Content in 15g serving
Chocolate Spread
1.88 tsp (7.5g) 
3.18 tsp (12.7g) 
1.95 tsp (7.8g)
Lemon Curd
2.03 tsp (8.1g)
2.48 tsp (9.9g)
3.1 tsp (12.4g)
2.4 tsp (9.6g)
Peanut Butter-smooth
0.23 tsp (0.9g)

Amount per 100g
Sugar Content in Teaspoons
All Bran
1.75 tsp (7g per 30g serving) 
Bran flakes
1.75 tsp (7g per 30g serving) 
0.63 tsp (2.5g per 30g serving)
Muesli-Swiss style
2.6 tsp (10.4g per 45g serving)
Rice Crispies
0.75 tsp (3g per 30g serving)
1.5 tsp (6g per 40g serving)
Shredded Wheat
0.01 tsp (0.4g per 45g serving)
Special K
1.25 tsp (5g per 30g serving)
Sugar Puffs
2.65 tsp (10.6g per 30g serving)

Amount per 100g
Sugar Content in Teaspoons
Chocolate Fudge Cake
6.6 tsp (26.4g per 1/8 cake) 
Country Slice
3.18 tsp (12.7g per slice) 
Madeira Cake
6.7 tsp (26.5g per slice)
Scones - Fruit
2.3 tsp (9.2g per scone)
Sponge Cake with Jam
3.7 tsp (14.8g per 1/6 cake)
Amount per 100g
Sugar Content in Teaspoons
Creamed Rice Pudding
3.05 tsp (12.2g per pot) 
Fruit Cocktail in Juice
4.35 tsp (17.39g 1/3 can) 
Fruit Yoghurt
2.7 tsp (10.8g per pot)
5.05 tsp (20.2g 135g pot)
Ice Cream Sauce
2.5 tsp (10.3g per 15g serving)
Ice Cream - vanilla
2.5 tsp (10g 2 scoops)
Instant Custard
3.05 tsp (12.2 1/4 pint)
Instant Dessert Powder
2.9 tsp (11.6g per 92g serving)

Amount per 100g
Sugar Content in Teaspoons
Drinking Chocolate
4.08 tsp (16.3g) in water
4.78 tsp (19.1g) in S/S milk 
2.33 tsp (9.3g) in water

Sauces & Pickles
Amount per 100g
Sugar Content in Teaspoons
Brown Sauce
0.5 tsp (2.0g) 
Salad Cream
0.65 tsp (2.6g) 
Sweet Pickle
1 tsp (4g)
Tomato Ketchup
1 tsp (4g)

All amounts are shown in both natural and added sugars combined.