Monday, 28 December 2015

32 Pearls Technology

Digital Radiography:

X-ray procedures are an essential part of quality dental treatment. We utilize an advanced non-film dental imaging system known as CDR (computed dental radiography). The already low radiation required for dental radiographs is further reduced by over 80% compared to conventional X-Ray film. Using this system, an electronic sensor produces computerized radiographs which appear instantly on a Chair side computer screen. These images can then be optimized, printed and Archived indefinitely.

Nickel-Titanium Instruments:

Cleaning and shaping of the root canal is aided by the use of metal instruments made of a unique and flexible alloy of nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) which has high resistance to fracture due to its ‘Shape Memory effect’. We use both hand and rotary instruments along with antimicrobial agents in liquid and gel state as irrigants which helps remove infected tissue, bacteria and debris.
Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) MTA is a hydrophilic biomaterial derived from a mixture of refined Portland Cement and bismuth oxide and other compounds , which is a new advancement in root canal treatment. We use MTA for a variety of root repairs under the microscope (root furcations and Lateral Perforation repairs). It is used in situations with young patients (pulp capping in apexogenesis, an apical plug in apexification, pulpotomy and pulp regeneration). MTA is also used as a root end filling during microsurgery. Current literature supports its use as a biocompatible material with excellent resistance to microleakage. Recently, MTA is being used as a coronal plug over the induced blood clot in tooth ‘Revascularisation procedures’.


A CBCT scan, also called cone beam computerized tomography, is a 3-D X-ray technique that is similar to medical CT scans. We use CBCT to produce 3-D images of the tooth and/or maxillofacial area in question. These images are in three dimension (unlike the conventional 2-D x-ray techniques) and can be manipulated with the computer to visualize root canal anatomy, root fractures, bone damage or irregularities or any lesion/pathology in the tooth or area in question, all in three dimension. The greater and detailed information obtained with CBCT helps in accurate diagnosis and better treatment results.

Bioceramic Sealer:

This is a flowable root canal sealer that utilizes bioceramic nanotechnology. Nano particle size allows it to flow readily into canal irregularities and even dentinal tubules with absolutely no shrinkage. This hydrophilic sealer uses moisture naturally present in dentin to initiate and complete its setting reaction, and it is antibacterial during setting due to its highly alkaline pH. This significantly decreases the chance of root canal failure.

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